Thursday, December 13, 2007

as my life as a college student comes to a close...

As many of you know, I am graduating this semester. As excited as I am to be finished with early morning classes and spending long nights in the library, I'm beginning to feel a bit nostalgic, and have been thinking a lot about what I've learned since I've been here.

I came to Emory uncertain of who I was or what I really believed in. I had an idea that I knew all of this, but I soon found out, that I couldn't know myself or understand my ideals less. I had an extremely hard time adjusting and found myself being perceived in a way that made me feel misunderstood. Coming from a small town in Rhode Island with a close group of friends who I had known since elementary school and a large family for backup, I never realized how limited my world view was. Emory changed that all for me. Being thrust into a group of people with different beliefs, backgrounds and experiences was harsh on me at first, never having been exposed to different lifestyles before. But soon enough, I found that I had grown and matured immensely, as much as a result of the friends I've made and situations I've experienced as of the classes I came here to take.

This class, in particular, has pushed me even further than I expected to go. Coming from a place where I thought I had finally solidified my opinions on controversial and political issues, this class has pushed me even further-- encouraging me to dig even deeper. In reading over my posts since the beginning of the semester, I'm amazed at how much my ideas have changed and my openness to considering other options has taken form. Through all topics of study, those that I have not felt related to me personally, gender identity and intersex studies, to those that I consider fundamental in shaping who I am today, disability, I have become more aware of the differing opinions of those around me and the ways in which, though I may not always be directly affected, as a member of society, I am involved in them and they should matter to me.

So, in closing, I just want to thank everyone who has pushed me, for sharing their ideas and experiences, and for opening my mind to new possiblities. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with you and learned from all of you. I wish you all the best of luck in the future.


Anya said...

We'll miss you! And the best of luck to you, too, as you move on from college.

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