Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ma Vie En Rose

The movie Ma Vie En Rose brought to the foreground the issues surrounding raising a transgender child. Ludo's family appeared to be very close and loving, but throughout the movie we are able to see the strain Ludo's beliefs about his gender placed on his family. Towards the beginning of the movie the family took a light hearted view of Ludo's cross dressing because they believed that it was just a phase. Ludo's ideas about his gender only became an issue when it left the realm of the family and affected other members of society. When Ludo's relationship with Jerome took on a romantic aspect this is when society voiced its disapproval and ostracized Ludo and his family. 
During the middle of the film is when the family structure began to crumble. The mother who had been so loving and close with Ludo now distanced herself. His father began openly expressing his frustration at the whole situation. Ludo's siblings were all struggling in their own ways to deal with Ludo's behavior. For me this was the most moving aspect of the film, when the family structure couldn't handle the pressures of the outside world. In order for Ludo's parents to begin accepting him the family had to move into an entirely new neighborhood. 
The other aspect of the film that I found most intriguing was Ludo's firm belief that he was actually a girl. Even though he was only seven years old he had an unwavering conviction that he was suppose to be a girl. He only questioned this belief when those around him began to contradict him. Ludo's strong conviction makes him an admirable hero, but an unbelievable seven year old. 

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