Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Theories of Gender and Race Response

What stood out most to me in the Theories of Gender and Race was the concept of scientific racism/sexism. Those scientists and anthropologist of the time could not quite make up their minds. First the African female pelvis was larger than the European female which meant they could give birth with ease and quickly continue with their hard labor. Then finding some contradictory results, decided the African female’s pelvis was in fact smaller than the European female and the ease with which the African women delivered their babies was because of their small brains. These "scientific" results were then used to validate such acts as enslavement.
Last class we talked about racism and how stereotypes have become a quick reference to how one race may describe another. The physical strength and threshold for enduring pain associated with slaves in both of the articles cane be seen are informing the modern stereotype of African Americans as tough strong and more athletic. The large rear end which results from the small pelvis then influences the modern stereotypes that all Black female have big behinds. The examination of the mostly male skulls was then used to argue that reason is male trait influences the stereotypical irrational female. These examples of scientific racism can also be seen in different cultures and times from the Holocaust to theories regarding shape of eyes in Asian culture.

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