Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reproductive Justice

Today's class was quite engaging. The speakers, Cara Page and Mia Mingus captivated my interest by introducing new concepts and reinforcing old ones. I loved how they presented the information, which discussed the differences/similarities between reproductive justice and health. I never realized the distinction between the two. Their overall mission really moved me. I was happy to hear their support for pro-choice, but also their strive to promote equal birthing rights for all women regardless of race, disability, sexual orientation, etc. They have a goal, which represents all women and their rights.

I was surprised to see the link between reproduction and environmental degradation. It was interesting to see this connection through the images Cara was showing on PowerPoint. The one image of the Indian women with their babies crowded into a room really demonstrated this connection. The image portrays the overpopulation of Indian people and signifies that they are using the environment in a negative way because of their significant population.

Not only was the discussion informative, but it was also inspirational. Mia and Cara have been successful in supporting this movement and in fighting for what they believe in. I respect their passion and want to do the same in the future. If these two strong women can help other women of all different backgrounds, we can do the same by starting at a small scale by advocating and lobbying. These efforts create change and make life-changing differences.

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